Consider Dermalogica for back to school quick fix

The academic term has just begun and as young people head back to college and university one thing that will be on their mind is the condition of their skin. After a summer of late nights, parties and festivals their skin is likely to be looking less than its best …

Dermalogica and Adult Acne

There is nothing more demoralising than applying anti-aging products on your skin as well as acne treatments. Many of us think that when we leave our teens, spots are a thing of the past but this isn’t always the case. Women, and men, can have breakouts well into their 40s and …

Dermalogica treats adult acne

Hormones play an enormous part in the cause of acne. This is why around 90% of teenagers will develop acne in some form when they hit puberty. Hormones as a teenager is one thing, it causes them a lot of stress and seriously harms their self-confidence but there are a …

Clearing up spots quickly

If you regularly find yourself struggling to control a less than clear complexion, it’s safe to say that you are probably always on the hunt for ways to clear breakouts up as quickly as possible. However, there is often a very fine line between clearing up breakouts quickly and making …

Clearer looking skin CAN be achieved overnight

We can all recall that feeling of dread we’ve experienced when we’ve woken from a peaceful night’s sleep and looked in the mirror- only to be greeted by a spot or blemish which has appeared from nowhere in just a short matter of hours. Even more irritating than this is …