Shop at Pure Beauty and create a home spa

Imagine stepping into your bathroom and feeling as it you are walking into your favourite spa? OK, there’s the matter of the towels on the floors, the rubber ducks in the bath and a smile face drawn in the mist on the shower door, but have a quick tidy up, …

Spa at home with Dermalogica

Ask many women what their ideal treat would be and we imagine many would say a spa treatment. Whilst we do have a salon based in Litchfield we understand that you don’t always have the time to visit and actually might not be that close by, but don’t worry, we …

Quick guide to the perfect home pamper session.

Poor sleep and stress dramatically reduces our work rate and enjoyment of life, so if the daily grind has been getting you down, a quick all over body pamper might be just the thing to revitalise you. While it can be lovely to indulge in a pamper session at a …

Keeping your skin fresh between the gym and the journey home

Regularly hitting the gym is not only a fantastic way of keeping yourself in shape, but is also a great stress buster, and with lots of us really feeling the pressure of having to juggle a demanding career and a busy social life, any method of busting stress is much …

Sun protection starts at home

If there’s one aspect of your skincare regime that you really can’t afford to neglect during the summer months, it’s sun protection. Although a good cleansing, toning and moisturising routine still needs to be followed all year round, the importance of shielding your skin from the sun’s harmful rays really …