Dealing With a Last Minute Spot Emergency

We’ve all been there – an important day arrives, be it the first day of a new job, a date or an interview, and lo and behold, we wake up with a rather unfortunate pimple in a very noticeable place. You need a way to get rid of it, and …

Five Beauty “Hacks” Which Just Aren’t Worth Trying…

The internet is absolutely full of wonderful information, allowing you to learn everything from cake decorating to changing your car battery with just a few minutes research. However, for every bit of information, there’s just as much MISinformation, much of which is beauty related, so we thought we’d do some …

Pure Beauty on Eucalyptus

You could be forgiven for thinking that eucalyptus’ sole usage was in cold remedies, for inhalation and helping to clear the sinuses with its potent odour, but eucalyptus has many uses, especially within beauty products. Pure Beauty stocks many products which contain eucalyptus, and we’re giving you the lowdown on …