Find the Dermalogica moisturiser that is right for you

Some people say they can either take or leave mosituriser but the reality of modern day life is that pretty much all skin types can benefit from a decent skincare routine. Lack of care, a poor diet, late nights, sleeping in make up and not drinking enough water can all have …

Get started with Dermalogica

Every week it seems there are new beauty products coming onto the market that promise to keep your skin looking healthy and young as well as being kind to the environment and your pocket. It is little wonder that many people simply don’t know where to start when it comes …

More celebs declaring their love for Dermalogica

British singer/songwriter Kate Nash clearly has no issues when it comes to making hits, however, one thing she has always struggled with is her skin, and when on tour clear skin is a necessity. This month Nash has been revealing her skin care secrets to fashion site stating that, …

Looking for a great gift idea?

When you have found out for yourself the difference that Dermalogica skincare products can make to your complexion, you will want to share the discovery with your nearest and dearest, but it can be hard to choose the best products for someone else. What works for you may not be …