Dermalogica UltraCalming Redness Relief

Dermalogica UltraCalming™ Redness Relief SPF 20 (NEW FORMULA!) is a multifunctional product that helps to control redness whilst treating the root causes of inflammation. It will help sooth irritation, mask redness with natural green minerals and prevent further damage by the use of physical and chemical sunscreens. The improved formula …

Make a real difference in a short space of time

These days, getting your skin back to its best doesn’t have to involve carefully scrutinising your skin for months on end in order to see if you can spot even the slightest positive change, as skin care products are becoming more and more effective and advanced all of the time, …

Pointers to help you to keep oil under control

So, skin which is excessively oily might not be a major health issue, but when you suffer from it, it can feel as though it’s taking over your life a little, and this is why it’s important to do something about it. Feeling as though you’re a slave to your …

Protecting your skin from autumn sunshine

So, the summer might all but have deserted us now (well, what little most of us saw of it)- but this certainly doesn’t mean that you can afford to desert your sun protection efforts. Due to the fact that we’re generally not lucky enough to enjoy a great amount of …

Treat your skin to a little special cleansing

If you’re still using soap on your skin, you need to stop immediately, as there’s a high probability that you’re doing more harm than good. Even if you religiously used soap on your face as a child, this simply won’t cut it any more, and you need to start being …