How can you keep your skin looking stunning all night long?

For many of us, Saturday night is THE highlight of the week, and we spend a large proportion of our working days counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until we can leave the office and get the weekend well underway. If like many girls you spend hours preening in …

Clearing up a breakout more quickly

Whenever a breakout decides to strike, it’s fair to say that clearing it up ASAP is a priority, and with the fantastic skin products which are available at the moment, this is now as easy as ever. Whilst battling to get skin back to its beautiful best though, you do …

Shielding sensitive skin

Although genetics can play a part, there are a number of other factors which can result in very sensitive skin- including illness, the use of unsuitable cosmetics and skin care products, extreme climatic conditions and an unhealthy diet. Sensitive skin can, quite literally, be a pain, and a great deal …

Effectively cleansing excessively oily skin

Those whose skin is prone to excess oil production can feel that, no matter hard they try, they can never seem to achieve that squeaky clean feel. As with every skin type, ensuring that you’re using a cleanser which cleanses effectively, yet which doesn’t strip the skin of essential oils …

Two common autumn skin care crimes- and how to avoid committing them

Many people feel confused about how they need to look after their skin at the best of times, and changing seasons can present even more of a problem. Looking after the skin when the temperatures take a turn for the worse doesn’t have to feel like a huge chore though, …