5 Common Eye Issues and How to Deal with Them

The eyes are one of the most common areas for women to have complaints about their appearance, and the problems they report are numerous. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at five of the most common problems to affect the eye area and give you some …

How to Keep Dry, Sensitive Skin Happy

There’s a common misconception that dry skin is easy to treat – slap on a bit of moisturiser and your skin will be fine, right? Well, actually, dry skin can be a lot more complicated than that, with sensitivity and even conditions such as rosacea going hand in hand. Sufferers …

Five Key Rules for Dealing with Acne

Did you know, the most recent NHS data suggests that up to 80% of people aged 11 to 30 have dealt with acne? If that’s the case, then why don’t we talk about it? Acne seems to be a condition which we don’t discuss, maybe because of the stigma and …

Hard Working Hands Need Love and Care

We often think of winter and autumn as being the hardest season on our hands, but there are lots of things in summer which can be pretty brutal on our hands, too. From gardening to sun exposure to getting in and out of a chlorinated pool, your hands will get …

Five Surprising Causes of Wrinkles

When it comes to wrinkles, for many of us, they’re a fact of life. While some people manage to make it to old age with barely a crease on their faces, most of us have to deal with some softening around the eyes and mouth at the very least. We …