Don’t suffer with sensitive skin

Skin can generally be categorised into one of many different types- which include- ‘normal’, oily, sensitive and dry. Each type has its own specific needs, and this needs to be kept in mind when choosing skin care products. Using the right type of products for the skin is essential in …

Achieving the perfect makeup base

There’s little point in starting to apply your make-up if you haven’t first prepared the perfect base. Many women apply their make-up for the day and then wonder why it’s started to disappear by lunchtime, and the main reason for this is an inadequate base. You could buy the most …

Wave goodbye to dry skin

Not also can dry skin on the body be extremely irritating, it can also feel extremely painful. During the cold winter months, skin is wrapped up in thick clothing, and smothered with harsh central heating, both of which can lead to skin becoming incredibly dry. The old saying ‘out of …