Songstress Katy Perry reveals her past skin woes

It’s not just us mere mortals that can become victim to annoying spots and blemishes, they can even affect A-list stars- as singer Katy Perry revealed. Katy, of ‘I Kissed a Girl’ fame, recently told how she faced a battle with blemishes, which left her confidence in tatters. Katy’s condition …

Telltale signs that could point to an unsuitable skin care regime

Despite their hardest efforts, many people are still following an unsuitable skincare regime without even realising it. It’s not just about cleansing, toning and moisturising- you need to make sure that you’re doing all of this with the right products. Skin falls into several different categories- from ‘normal’, to combination, …

Help your man to embrace a good skin care regime

It might be 2010, but some men STILL refuse to pay adequate attention to their skin- for fear of being ridiculed by their mates in the pub! However, the ‘metrosexual’ man knows just how important a proper skin care regime is- which is why more and more women are finding …

Don’t leave the skin aging process to chance

It’s never too soon to prepare to do battle with skin ageing, and the sooner you arm yourself with the facts and products that are needed to fight the process the better. When it comes to skin ageing, those that are in their twenties and even early thirties often feel …