Reducing spots and keeping them at bay

Spots aren’t things that anyone wants to wake up to and acne is possibly one of the worst skin complaints that anyone can face. However, there are loads of ways to reduce the appearance of spots and even prevent them from coming back at all.

People should accept that a few spots are inevitable as they can be brought on by a number of things, including stress, but there are plenty of ways to keep them at bay most of the time.


Spots can be caused by a number of different things, the most common being:

  • Excess oil production
  • Poor hygiene and unclean skin
  • Clogged pores
  • Dead and dulling skin cells
  • Grime build-up
  • Bad diet
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Heredity

Acne during the teenage years is exceptionally common and is generally caused by hormonal changes. However, for adults, acne is becoming even more of a problem and this is generally because of poor lifestyle choices and failing to follow a good skincare regime.

Everyone knows that it’s much easier to prevent an issue than it is to cure one, so here are some key prevention tips when it comes to spots and acne.

Avoiding spots and acne

As long as it’s not a hereditary condition, there are loads of simple ways that spots can be prevented which don’t involve harsh chemical or surgical treatments.

Always keep your face clean

If you do suffer with an outbreak of spots every now and again, it could be a result of failing to clean your skin properly.

Make sure you make an effort to use a cleanser in the morning and evening and also follow it up with a toner and a gentle moisturiser too. The cleanser will help to clean deep into your pores, removing any dirt and debris that may have built up and consequently blocked them, causing spots. The toner helps to control sebum production, which will prevent your skin from becoming too oily and the moisturiser is then necessary to replenish any essential moisture that may have been lost, in order to prevent your skin from becoming dry and flaky.

You might not think so, but your face will become dirty through the day because of a combination of things including the environment, make-up, touching your face and sweat. None of these elements do your skin any favours and if you don’t wash your face properly at the end of the day, everything that’s found its way onto your skin will remain and prevent your skin from regenerating properly overnight.

Dirty pillow cases and towels

If, as far as you can tell, you’re doing everything right but you’re still suffering from spots, then it could be the fact that your pillow cases, bed sheets and towels are dirty. You don’t necessarily have to be able to see dirt on your towels and sheets for them to be dirty. In fact, the majority of the time they won’t look dirty at all.

If you don’t make an effort to clean your sheets and towels regularly then they become the perfect place for bacterial growth. This is true for towels in particular, as they’re quite often left damp after people have been in the shower. In order to prevent the spread of bacteria, grease and grime – which ultimately lead to infections and breakouts of spots – it’s important to wash your bed sheets, towels and also make-up brushes and sponges regularly.

Use cosmetics that are oil free

Over-productive sebaceous glands are a big cause of acne breakouts as the excess oil gets trapped in the pores and causes infection. If you use skincare products that are oil-free though, the amount of oil that your skin produces will be regulated which will make breakouts a much rarer problem.

The majority of top skincare brands nowadays will have ranges that are intended especially for oily and spot prone skin. When choosing products it’s a good idea to go for milder options in order to avoid them causing irritation and inflammation.

Make sure you moisturise with the right product

Even if your skin is prone to spots and acne it’s important to ignore the myths that suggest that people with oily skin don’t need to moisturise. This isn’t true. In fact it’s just as important for you to moisturise because, as long as you select the correct product, the moisturiser will help to regulate oil production.

If you don’t have oily skin then moisturising is perhaps the most important part of your skincare regime and should never be avoided, but it’s still really important that you select a product that’s right for your skin type in order to prevent acne from reoccurring.


Exercising and following a healthy lifestyle is another surefire way to reduce the appearance of spots and acne and an effective way of keeping them at bay. It’s a fact that people don’t do enough exercise, but as little as 30 minutes every day – walking is included – will help to ensure your reduced stress and anxiety, healthy organs, balanced hormones and clear skin.

The sweat that’s produced when you exercise is good as it helps to clear your pores. However, when you come to the end of your workout, it’s really important to wipe your face with a clean towel or face wipe in order to make sure that it doesn’t dry on your skin and consequently clog your pores.

Don’t touch your face

Unbelievably, people touch their faces an average of 5,000 times every day and this spreads a lot of bacteria that works its way into your skin and leaves you with spots. Refraining from touching your face isn’t easy to do and it will require some willpower to begin with but it is essential if you want to prevent the appearance of spots.

Avoid resting your chin or cheeks on your hands, rubbing your nose and moving your hair away from your face. Ideally, you should avoid allowing your hair to hang down by your face as not only does this mean that you have to touch your face when it gets in your way, it also means that the natural oils from your hair are spread onto your face and will block your pores. It’s also important to resist the urge to pick and pop your spots as this will spread even more bacteria and could even lead to a full breakout of acne as well as scarring.

Eat healthily

Trying your best to eat healthily, and combining this with skincare products that are right for your skin, is perhaps the best way to reduce the appearance of spots and prevent them from making a comeback.

Foods that are high in fats and sugar – particularly greasy food – leave toxins and impurities in the body and cause even more oil to be secreted in the pores. In order to avoid having to cover up sports, it’s much better for your skin, body and wellbeing to flush out these toxins by staying hydrated with a lot of water and eating fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Fruits, vegetables and good fats – like those found in nuts and seeds – are great sources of essential vitamins and minerals that will help to keep your skin bright and clear.

Reducing the appearance of spots

It’s all well and good following these remedies to prevent spots from becoming a recurrent issue, but these things take time to work and everyone knows that when they have a spot, they want it gone now. These tips and tricks will help you reduce the appearance of that problem spot without spreading bacteria and causing even more flare-ups.


Orange is brilliant for your skin because it’s full of vitamin C and it’s also a great way to reduce the size and look of spots. Dry orange peels in the sun for a few days and once they’re dry and crispy, put them into a food mixer and turn them into a fine powder. Store it in a lunchbox or something similar and you can then use it – mixed with a little water – on your face every day to leave your complexion smooth, bright and spot-free.


Toothpaste is a surprisingly effective spot reducer and it’s something that everyone always has. If a rogue spot happens to appear, use a clean finger to dab a small amount of toothpaste onto it after completing your evening skincare regime. Leave the toothpaste on overnight as it will help to dry out the spot as well as reducing swelling and redness and then rinse it off in the morning to reveal nothing more than a slight blemish.

If these hints and tips don’t do the trick, then consider visiting a dermatologist for advice on stronger treatments.



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