Did your hands suffer at the hands of winter weather?

The past few UK winters have been particularly harsh, and this winter was unfortunately no exception. As most areas of the UK suffered a shock to the system with a very late, very cold snap, skin could still be suffering now. The skin on the face is highly susceptible to …

No more hiding hands away

When the weather is on the particularly cold side, it isn’t just the skin on the face which can become chapped and raw if it isn’t protected properly, as the skin on the hands can also become really sore. Even leaving the hands exposed to the bitterly cold elements for …

Keep your hands silky smooth this autumn

With each day that passes, the very little nice weather which we did enjoy earlier on in the summer is starting to become a distant memory, and the chillier weather is really starting to set in now. We are all well aware of how much damage the hot summer sun …

Make dreadfully dry hands a thing of the past

Most of us have had to put up with dry hands at some point or another, and although they’re not a big problem, having to try and hide your hands away out of embarrassment can leave you feeling very uncomfortable. The thing about dry hands is that they can creep …

Hand it to Dermalogica

Dry hands may only seem like a relatively insignificant problem, although they’re a problem which can be really irritating- and generally, the longer you leave them untreated, the worse the condition can get. Having to shake hands with an acquaintance when your hands resemble sandpaper can be extremely embarrassing- and …