Exfoliate all over

Whilst they’re important, cleansing and moisturising aren’t the be all and end all of a skin care regime, and there’s another important thing which you need to think about- exfoliating. The use of a good exfoliant is key to getting and keeping your skin in tip top condition, and as …

Don’t get heavy handed with exfoliation

Regularly exfoliating the face is essential in keeping skin looking its very best, although as many people don’t have as much experience in exfoliating as they do in cleansing, toning or moisturising, they often tackle the task in completely the wrong manner. One of the main mistakes which many people …

Exfoliation shouldn’t equal sore skin

Cleansing, toning and moisturising are all essential parts of any daily skin care regime, although there are other skin care procedures which you should follow on a regular basis in order to make sure that skin remains in optimum condition. If you find that you’re rushed off your feet most …

Banishing blackheads

Blackheads are a common complaint that many people have when it comes to their skin, and although they may only be small and not instantly noticeable, they can really have an effect on how confident you feel about your skin. Blackheads appear when pores get blocked, and blocked pores could …