Five Ways That Menopause Can Affect Your Skin

Image Source As you’ll know if you’ve already reached the menopause, the changes that it has on your body go far beyond the end of your cycle. The majority of women experience symptoms such as mood swings, night sweats, and hot flushes, but some also notice changes in their skin. …

The Ultimate Beauty List, Wedding Edition

As Lockdowns are eased, and we all start to get back to our normal lives, many businesses are opening again, and events are allowed to be held. One of them being Weddings! I have had many clients tell me that due to Lockdown, their wedding has been cancelled or moved, …

Five Surprising Causes of Wrinkles

When it comes to wrinkles, for many of us, they’re a fact of life. While some people manage to make it to old age with barely a crease on their faces, most of us have to deal with some softening around the eyes and mouth at the very least. We …

5 Underlying Causes for Redness

Facial redness is a daily issue for many of us, and although there are lots of products out there which can help, they don’t always address the underlying issue. A lot of facial redness is misdiagnosed as rosacea, which means that many of us go through the rigmarole of trying …

Tea tree oil – can you see it on Pure Beauty?

Extracted from the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Tea Tree Oil has endless uses but is particularly good for your skin. It has become an increasingly popular ingredient in a wide variety of beauty such as skin and nail creams, massage oils and face wash, thanks to natural antiseptic and …