Tackling uneven skin tone with the ChromaWhite TRx system (1)

Uneven skin tone or hyper pigmentation can have a terribly detrimental effect on someone’s confidence in their complexion, and can also prove to be one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat. Dermalogica’s ChromaWhite TRx system uses a combination of effective ingredients that are also safe for your skin, …

Repair your skin while you sleep

You will be amazed by the difference that Dermalogica’s Overnight Repair Serum can make to your skin, even after just a few days of using it. Perfect for combating signs of ageing, this intensely nourishing serum can be used on its own or in combination with your usual night-time skin …

Brighten up your skin this spring

The harsh winter weather can really take its toll on skin, and by the time spring finally arrives, skin can be left looking a little on the dull side. Nobody wants to step into spring with skin which looks dull though- we all want to start the fresh season with …

Infrequent exfoliation isn’t always best

A huge proportion of people religiously follow a cleansing regime which consists of cleansing, toning and moisturising, as these steps are key in keeping the skin in good condition. However, whilst cleansing, toning and moisturising is super important, it’s not always the be all and end all, and the use …

Applying after sun can help to minimise the effects of sun exposure

Many of us have experienced an unfortunate case of sunburn in our lives, and for most it has been a turning point when it comes to protecting skin from the sun’s harsh rays. Directly exposing skin to UV rays can quickly result in sunburn- and as well as not being …