The importance of moisturising your skin after a hot bath

There’s nothing like a nice hot bath to soothe away the stresses of the day and give your skin a thorough cleanse- particularly in colder weather. However, if you prefer taking long baths rather than quick showers, after time your skin can start to get seriously dehydrated. If you don’t …

Taking your makeup off

We all know that taking our makeup off at the end of the day is an absolute must. Apart from the fact that nobody wants to wake up to panda eyes and a pillow smeared with mascara and foundation, leaving your makeup on can have long lasting and negative effects …

Wave goodbye to dry skin

Not also can dry skin on the body be extremely irritating, it can also feel extremely painful. During the cold winter months, skin is wrapped up in thick clothing, and smothered with harsh central heating, both of which can lead to skin becoming incredibly dry. The old saying ‘out of …

Night Creams

We are often asked by our customers which Dermalogica Moisturiser is designed to be used as a night time moisturiser. We thought it very important to explain how and when they should be used. Dermalogica do not manufacture Night Creams as such. Each of their moisturisers are designed to be …