If you’re a fan of curly hair but were born with something resembling stair rods growing from your head, you probably spend a lot of time using heated appliances to achieve your preferred look. However, in this heat, using heated wands and other tools to curl your hair can be excruciating, so we thought we’d share with you some non-heated methods of achieving curly hair.
If you’re after a mermaid-style wave, rather than full-on ringlets, plaiting is a brilliant way to achieve the look. Wash your hair and use Dermalogica Daily Conditioning Rinse, then while your hair is still wet, do a French plait on each side of your head (if you have a friend to help or are particularly dexterous, try to do three or four French plaits as this will give you a more even wave over your whole head). Leave to dry overnight and when you wake up, you’ll have beautiful heat-free waves.
One of the most old-fashioned way to achieve curls is to use rags or pieces of fabric. Take a small section of damp hair and wrap it around the rag until you’ve got a small bundle of hair, then tie the ends of the rag around the bun to secure it. Most people leave it in overnight, then in the morning you’ll have tight ringlets. Use a little Elemis Japanese Camellia Body Oil Blend as a serum to smooth the curls and get rid of any frizz.
If you’re after a wavy look which doesn’t go all the way to the root, this could be one for you. It’s pretty simple; just dampen your hair, place an elasticated headband around your head and twist the hair around it until you’ve got all of the ends looped in. It’s a little fiddly at first but it gives a really nice effect once the hair is dried and set. Apply a little hairspray to give your curls some hold.
Okay, so we know that hair rollers conjure up images of your Nan getting her hair permed and set on a Saturday morning at the hairdressers, but curlers are way more versatile than you think and come in many sizes, so you can create everything from a tight ringlet to the beachiest wave. As with the other methods, dampen your hair and wrap around the curler, leaving it your hair to dry. You can also apply some mousse which will encourage your curl to take.