Improve the look of skin pigmentation caused by sun damage

Most of us enjoy a bit of sunbathing, although it can be all too easy to get a little addicted to basking in the sun’s glorious rays- which is never good for the state of the skin. Apart from the obvious health problems that sun exposure can cause i.e. skin …

It isn’t just your face that needs protecting from the sun

As far as sun protection is concerned, many people focus on protecting their face, and fail to recognise the significance of protecting the rest of their body. Whilst there’s no doubt that it’s vital to shield the face against the sun’s rays, when sunbathing or wearing minimal clothing you also …

Prepare your skin for your summer holiday

If you’re fortunate enough to be flying off to sunnier and hotter climes this summer, it’s fairly safe to assume that you will be baring large amounts of skin. As the weather in the UK is mild at the best of times it’s no wonder that for many people, the …

Don’t let shaving irritate you

For many men, shaving isn’t the most pleasurable of tasks and is nothing more than a necessity which needs to be performed on a regular basis in order to achieve a clean-cut look. Unless you’re intentionally growing facial hair, the unkempt unshaven look is generally not a good one- especially …

Enjoy the summer sun without worrying about your skin

Lazy days basking in the warm sun are now a reality (for the short term at least), as the summer has finally decided to arrive. We’ve waved goodbye to the months spent shivering in front of the fire, wrapped up in all our warmest woollies, and instead we can enjoy …