At Home Skin Care Regime for All Skin Types

As part of our At Home Skin Care Regimes series, I have listed below some products that are suitable for All Skin Types. You don’t have to use all of the products from the list but the minimum required would be a Cleanser and a Moisturiser. 1. Cleanser A suitable …

What is a good Skin Care Regime?

It is very important to ensure that you have a good Skin Care Regime at home. This can involve many different types of products and can take a good deal of time to do. The benefits though are innumerable and can help keep your skin in the best possible condition. …

Dermalogica Price Increase April 2009

Unfortunately Dermalogica have recently increased all of their prices on the full retail range. Their Recommended Retail Price actually increased in January but their cost price to authorised suppliers such as ourselves didn’t happen until 1st April 2009. The main reason behind the increase is to do with exchange rate …

Why you can’t buy Dermalogica Clearing Skin Wash on the Net

We are afraid the Dermalogica have requested that all Authorised Retailers such as ourselves, no longer sell Dermalogica Clearing Skin Wash on the Internet. They have stated the following: “Dermalogica Clearing Skin Wash cannot be sold or made available on-line. This will include all formulations of Dermalogica Clearing Skin Wash …

Have you ever had problems opening Dermalogica Skin Resurfacing Cleanser?

From time to time some of our customers call or email us because of the problems they experience trying to open the Dermalogica Skin Resurfacing Cleanser. This is not due to anything that our customers are doing wrong, it is simply a problem that originates when the product is manufactured. …