Although some of us are lucky enough to be able to have live where we barely lift a finger to do the manual parts of life like cleaning and gardening, the majority of us have to get stuck in, and this can leave our hands in bad condition. Cleaning your nails and keeping hands moisturised, but you can still be left with ragged cuticles which ruin the overall look of your hands. We’ve put together a list of ways that you can tidy up your cuticles and keep your hands looking good.
Prep Your Nails
Before you start in your cuticles, remove any old nail varnish and treat your nails with Elemis Japanese Camellia Body Oil Blend. This will stop them from being stripped of oil in the next step.
Soak Them
Softening your cuticles before you work on them will make your life so much easier and soaking them for ten minutes in warm water is the easiest way to do this. Fill a shallow bowl and take some time to chill while you get your hands ready.
Lift Them
Use a wooden or rubber-tipped orange stick to push your cuticles back and lift them away from the surface of the nail. This will ensure that you manage to get all of the ragged bits when it comes to trimming them away.
Trim Them
Two of the main things to remember here are to make sure you use proper, clean cuticle trimmers, not just any old nail scissors which aren’t properly shaped to do the job, and also not to trim too much cuticle away as this can cause bleeding and leave you open to infection. Trim away a little at a time until your cuticle looks neat and tidy.
Once you’ve got your cuticles trimmed back and you’re happy with how they look, use Elemis Exotic Frangipani Monoi Hand and Nail Cream to deeply moisturise and replenish your whole hand. It will also leave your hands smelling fantastic, thanks to the unique blend of exotic oils.