We’ve said it a thousand times before, and there’s no doubt that we’ll say it a thousand times again- the importance of cleansing, toning and moisturising morning and night is absolutely vital. Whatever your age and skin type, making sure you follow a strict skin care regime is imperative in keeping your skin looking its best for as long as possible.
If you start to neglect your skin care regime, you can rest assured that it won’t be long before your skin starts to suffer. Not only are you leaving yourself susceptible to spots and blemishes, you are also putting your skin at risk from showing premature signs of ageing.
When it comes to their skin care regime, some people attempt a half- hearted job and just opt to cleanse or moisturise. This is not sufficient though, and toning is also very important.
Many people are confused about the significance of toning, and are not sure of the part that it plays. After cleansing, the skin can be stripped of essential moisture- leaving skin feeling a little taut. This is where using a toner, such as the fantastic Dermalogica Multi-Active Toner can help. The toner rehydrates the skin, leaving it feeling more refreshed, and also provides the perfect base for moisturiser- allowing it to work to its full potential.
Dermalogica cleansers, toners and moisturisers work in perfect harmony with each other, and you’ll be surprised at just how much of a positive difference toning can have.