Although you’ve probably had the importance of an effective skincare regime drummed into your mind for as long as you care to remember now, you still might be a little confused about what your skin care regime should consist of.
An effective skin care regime should generally include cleansing, toning and moisturising, although your skin may have its own further individual needs.
Using a good cleanser morning and night is essential in getting rid of the dirt and oil which can quickly accumulate on the skin, and is vital is keeping pores clean and keeping spots at bay.
Once cleansing is complete, the use of a toner is next on the list. Some people skip toner as they’re unsure about its relevance, although a good toner will help to refresh and hydrate your skin and also help in the absorption of moisturiser.
In order to rehydrate skin and keep it feeling supple and looking fresh, you need to make sure that you invest in an effective moisturiser. Whether your skin is on the dry side, or is prone to excessive oiliness, moisturiser shouldn’t be skipped. Regularly neglecting the use of a moisturiser can lead to skin aging prematurely- which isn’t anyone’s idea of a good look.
If you regularly suffer with blemishes or other skin conditions such as excessive oil production, there are many other great products- such as boosters- which can keep skin in amazing condition.
Dermalogica has a great range of products which cater for all skin types and which can help you to create the perfect skin care regime.