Combat Redness with Pure Beauty

There are a whole load of reasons for redness on the face, many of which can be easily combatted by using the right product. Here at Pure Beauty we’ve got a whole arsenal of anti-redness products to choose from so we thought we’d tell you about five of our favourites, …

Ease sensitive skin with Dermalogica

Itching, stinging, burning, redness and peeling are all indictors of sensitive skin, a condition that can cause both pain and embarrassment. At Pure-Beauty our expert team is on hand to offer advice across a range of products aimed at helping calm and soothe sensitive skin so you can feel happy …

Cleanse your face the right way with Dermalogica

We all remember our mums telling us wash our face every morning and every night. Whilst we might have rolled our eyes, it turns out mum was right because cleansing is critical to having healthy looking  skin that feels great. Daily facial washing removes impurities to give the skin a …