Really dry skin requires regular doses of hydration

Some of those with very dry skin make the mistake of only using an intense moisturiser when the condition is at its worst, although this really isn’t the right way to go about things. Looking after skin which is prone to dryness doesn’t simply involve reaching for an intense moisturiser …

Re-balance your skin’s hydration

If your skin feels a little on the dry side, you need to take steps to improve the situation as quickly as possible- before it has the opportunity to get any worse. In fact, with the cold weather fast approaching, it’s even more important to take action, as bitterly cold …

Deal with dry skin on a daily basis

If having to deal with dry skin on the face is a regular occurrence in your life, you may have an impressive selection of lotions, potions and creams to try and keep it under control. The thing about dry skin is that some days can be worse than others, and …

Treat dry skin to a twice daily dose of hydration

Dry skin on the face is certainly no laughing matter, and it can be one of the most difficult and time-consuming skin types to deal with, although the right products can minimise the amount of time and effort spent struggling with an overly dry complexion. Several different factors can contribute …

A twice daily dose of intense moisturisation can go a long way

When you have incredibly dry skin, one mistake which, admittedly is very easy to make, is applying an intensive moisturiser at irregular intervals, although in order to improve and control the condition, it’s very important to apply a moisturiser which hydrates and nourishes skin on a regular basis. There’s little …