Repair your skin while you sleep

You will be amazed by the difference that Dermalogica’s Overnight Repair Serum can make to your skin, even after just a few days of using it. Perfect for combating signs of ageing, this intensely nourishing serum can be used on its own or in combination with your usual night-time skin …

Clear your complexion while you sleep

Spots and acne are no longer a thing of our teenage past; more and more adults are developing the skin condition later in life and the blemishes seem to be hanging around for longer. It is thought that this could be down to our stressful lives, diets high in processed …

The importance of sleep to the skin

Most of us have had the importance of getting 8 hours sleep a night drummed into us now, and whilst it might not always be possible to enjoy a full 8 hours, it does pay to get as much shut eye as possible. Sleep isn’t just vital when it comes …

Shift spots while you sleep!

Spots are something which we all unfortunately have to deal with in life, and whilst the appearance of the odd single spot every now and again is usually manageable, when your skin is prone to breakouts, it can feel like you’re forever trying to shift them. Time and a cleanser …

It’s not called beauty sleep for nothing…

When a breakout decides to strike, clearing it up as quickly as possible can take over your whole life and it’s little surprise really, as spots and blemishes can really give confidence a knock. A good concealer can go a long way in minimising the appearance of a breakout and …