Masque dry skin to reveal a conditioned complexion

As there are several factors which can lead to skin becoming incredibly dry, it can be all too easy to succumb to. And, as we’re in the firm grip of yet another cold winter, and as bitterly cold weather is one of the main causes of very dry skin, it’s …

Carefully cleanse overly dry skin

If you suffer with very dry skin and if you’re not very careful, skin could become even more parched, although there’s no need for dry skin to lead to insufficient cleansing. When skin feels dry and tight though, and when you feel as though cleansing could cause the condition to …

Clean skin shouldn’t equal dry skin

Thoroughly cleansing the skin is incredibly important, as failing to do so is likely to quickly leave skin in poor condition. Although the vast majority of people do understand just how important it is to cleanse skin thoroughly twice a day, problems often arise when the wrong product is used. …

Cleansing dry skin without dehydrating it further

When skin is prone to dryness, it’s important to be very careful when it comes to what skin care products are used on it. Using products which haven’t been specifically formulated for dry skin could leave it even more parched, and unsuitable products could also leave it really irritated. As …

Really dry skin requires regular doses of hydration

Some of those with very dry skin make the mistake of only using an intense moisturiser when the condition is at its worst, although this really isn’t the right way to go about things. Looking after skin which is prone to dryness doesn’t simply involve reaching for an intense moisturiser …