Keep your lips looking luscious throughout the winter

The perfect pout certainly isn’t a pout which looks dry and chapped, although with the harsh winter weather slowly setting in, you could easily succumb to this unless you take the necessary steps to avoid it. One of the primary causes of dry, chapped lips is licking them when the …

Relieve stress and treat your skin

When you’ve had a particularly taxing day, you can feel really worse for wear at the end of it, and a build up of stress can make it practically impossible to relax. One tried and tested method of relaxation is a nice long soak in the bath, although when you’ve …

Cleansing dry skin without dehydrating it further

When skin is prone to dryness, it’s important to be very careful when it comes to what skin care products are used on it. Using products which haven’t been specifically formulated for dry skin could leave it even more parched, and unsuitable products could also leave it really irritated. As …

Restoring the skin around the eyes the simple way

As the skin around the eyes is so incredibly delicate, it’s no surprise that it’s susceptible to becoming damaged so easily. Although sun exposure and overuse of sun beds are both common causes of skin damage around the eyes, there are other things which can cause damage too. Seriously parched …

Dermalogica Multivitamin Thermafoliant

Dermalogica Multivitamin Thermafoliant combines advanced ingredient technology with powerful chemical and physical exfoliants to refine skin texture while enhancing penetration of age fighting actives into the skin. This action is facilitated with self heating technology that activates when exposed to water, providing a burst of heat that assists with the …