Hello Hayo’u

When this brand was first introduced into the salon, I was instantly intrigued. I have always been fascinated with beauty tools that I can use to help aid my skin, such as Dermarollers etc. However, I have also taken an interest in tools that also help with mental well-being. Over …

UpCircle Brand Focus

Back in 2015, the founders of UpCircle had a thought: if we’re all throwing away a cafetière full of coffee grounds every morning, how much is going to waste from coffee shops all over London? So they decided to do something about it. UpCircle was born through the idea of …

Soft Gel Vs Hard Gel – What is the Difference?

I am sure nearly everyone has popped some nail polish on themselves, or had their nails done for them, at least once in their life. I know I personally love Gelish, as its three-week wear suits me well. Not only that, but I also know that a lot of our …

CBD – what is it, and how to use it

Most people have probably heard of CBD by now. Most skincare enthusiasts and health fanatics rave about this stuff on social media, and to their friends in person. It sits right in-between that wellness and natural skincare bracket that so many people love, so naturally many are going to become …