Is your skin starting to look as dull as dishwater?

A common but easily treatable skin complaint is dull looking skin. People of all ages and from all walks of life can suffer from lifeless looking skin, and it can be caused by a number of different reasons. A hectic lifestyle, poor skincare regime, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and generally …

Curing cracked heels

Putting on the highest pair of stilettos possible is every woman’s prerogative, and the discomfort that can follow is just one of the sacrifices that we make in the name of fashion. As great as they look, wearing the latest styles of shoes can leave our feet in a bit …

The importance of moisturising your skin after a hot bath

There’s nothing like a nice hot bath to soothe away the stresses of the day and give your skin a thorough cleanse- particularly in colder weather. However, if you prefer taking long baths rather than quick showers, after time your skin can start to get seriously dehydrated. If you don’t …

Dealing with break outs

People of all ages can suffer from break outs, and although there are daily preventative measures that we can take, the inevitable does sometimes happen! If you do suffer from a breakout, there’s no need to panic or reach for the nearest paper bag, as there are plenty of ways …

Pampering your skin ready for a big night out

When we have a big night out or special occasion planned, we all want to look our absolute best. This is why many of us start our beauty preparations well in advance, to make sure we’re looking- and feeling- a million dollars when the night comes. One of the first …