Don’t wash goodness away

Nobody can afford to neglect cleansing the skin morning and night, as it really is a quick route to skin which looks dull, blemished and generally just far older than its actual years.

By the time they’ve reached their teenage years, most people are well aware of the fact that cleansing the face with soap is something which should be avoided at all costs. However, as there are so many cleansers doing the skin care rounds nowadays, many do still face something of a problem when it comes to choosing and using the right one.

Nobody wants to find themselves faced with blemishes, and many people will do anything in their power to prevent them. However, all too often this leads to the use of a cleanser which is far too harsh, and as well as stripping the skin of dirt, grime and other unwanted and unnecessary additions to the skin, overly harsh cleansers can also strip skin of goodness.

Whilst a strong cleanser may prevent the appearance of spots, instead you could be left with skin which looks and feels tight and dry- a sacrifice which nobody should have to make.

For all your cleansing needs, look to Dermalogica. Dermalogica cleansers cleanse deep down but also keep skin looking and feeling supple and hydrated– there are no sacrifices with these products.

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