Dermalogica Special Clearing Booster

Dermalogica Special Clearing Booster contains 5% Benzoyl Peroxide concentrate, fortified with Zinc Sulfate, Tea Tree and Sage, controls bacteria, reduces irritation and scavenges free radicals while helping to accelerate breakout clearing. Product Benefits Dries breakouts quickly. Calming botanicals soothe redness and irritation. May be used to treat existing blemishes and …

How can you speed up the disappearance of spots?

Waking up to find that a spot has decided to grace you with its appearance certainly isn’t the best way of getting your day off to a good start, and from the moment you notice the new and unwelcome addition to your skin, your mind is likely to go into …

Give your break out clearing efforts a huge boost

When a breakout decides to show its unwelcome face, admitting defeat and telling yourself that there’s not too much that you can do about the situation can be all too easy. Instead though, you need to stage a fight back, and with so many brilliant skin care products on the …

Boost your skin clearing efforts

If your spots and blemishes are a common occurrence, each and every time that you are faced with an unwanted addition to your skin, you’ll want to make it disappear as quickly as it arrived, and with the right products you can certainly give spots and blemishes the heave-ho far …

Give your fight against blemishes a boost

It’s a certainty that anyone with even one small spot or blemish will want to give it the boot as quickly as possible, and the speedy disappearance of spots can largely depend on the products which you use. Forget applying toothpaste to spots and hoping for the best, as now …