Moisturisers should sink without trace

Applying your moisturiser in the morning and then feeling it on the surface of your skin for the rest of the day certainly isn’t likely to leave you feeling the most skin confident, and it could leave you feeling as though your skin is really grimy. There are several reasons …

Make a real difference in a short space of time

These days, getting your skin back to its best doesn’t have to involve carefully scrutinising your skin for months on end in order to see if you can spot even the slightest positive change, as skin care products are becoming more and more effective and advanced all of the time, …

Pay a little attention to your skin and see the difference

The way that we feel about our skin can have a significant effect on the way that we fell about ourselves. It’s fair to say that most of us have experienced the feeling of dread when a spot or blemish appears just before an important occasion! Although it’s impossible to …

Get Swimsuit Ready with Pure Beauty

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash This time of year is exciting for many of us as we start to think about summer holidays, time spent on the beach or round the pool with our family, or simply laying in the garden, reading a book! However, keeping up with things …