Looking after your hands this winter

Dermalogica Multivitamin Hand and Nail Treatment available from Pure Beauty OnlineYou have to admit that your hands get some abuse in day to day life and they’re probably the one part of our body that gets the least amount of care. You use your hands for pretty much everything that you do and the lack of care that we give them leaves us with painful, cracked skin. This problem gets even worse in the winter, if you have dry hands any way then the cold chill of the winter months can leave you in unbearable pain. The only way to avoid these painful problems is to look after your hands and provide them with the care they need.

The first step to having perfectly soft hands is to wash them regularly – not too often as this also dries them out – and to keep them free of dirt. Make sure you dry your hands thoroughly and carefully; drying your hands is especially important in the winter and if you go out you should always wear gloves. Cold weather causes you skin to dry out and crack and if your hands are wet then the process happens even quicker.

You should always moisturise your hands do at as often as possible but make sure it is at least once a day. Any moisturiser is great but creams that are designed specifically for hands are especially good – creams that contain glycerine are particularly good at smoothing and soothing rough, dry and chapped hand skin.

Try Dermalogica’s Multivitamin Hand & Nail Treatment, it’s an intense, non-greasy formula that not only repairs and protects dry and chapped hands but also nails too.

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