Step into spring with your skin care regime

Now that spring has well and truly arrived, many people start to think about adjusting their skin care regimes, particularly if they are still using the same products that they used during the bitterly cold winter months.

Depending on your skin type, changing seasons often demand a change in products, and although the climate hasn’t yet changed dramatically it’s definitely something that you should bear in mind.

Throughout the winter, many people often for richer moisturisers in order to prevent their skin from getting dry, chapped and damaged. Whilst there is no doubt that this is a must for chilly conditions, once the temperatures start to rise, they can make certain skin types feel excessively oily.

For those with oily or combination skin , opting for a lighter oil free moisturiser, which still moisturises effectively, such as Dermalogica Active Moist is a must. This lotion helps to lock moisture in for long lasting skin hydration.

Swapping heavier winter foundations for lighter formulas is also a good idea- and can help to stop your makeup from sliding off in more humid conditions.

Do a little preparation now, and your skin will most definitely thank you for it over the coming months.

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