Pure-Beauty has Christmas all wrapped up

Haven’t finished your Christmas shopping? Feeling flustered? Don’t be. The good news is you still have time to buy those last minute presents at Pure-Beauty. Whether you have a tricky teen, messy mum, dotting dad or Secret Santa to take care of, we are here to help. Teenagers can be hard …

Try something new from Pure Beauty in 2016

We all have our favourite beauty products, our ‘go to’ staples that we buy time and again and stick with because they are safe bets. Whilst there is nothing wrong with this, there are many amazing products out there and sometimes it is good to step out of your comfort zone …

To tone or not to tone

[slideshow_deploy id=’11561′]   To tone or not to tone is a beauty question that has been asked for many years. Toners (sometimes referred to as astringents) have had bad press in the past mainly because they were packed with harsh ingredients like alcohol that irritated and dried out the skin. …

Combatting Common Skin Complaints

Some of the most common skin complaints can often seem like the toughest to handle, and every skincare company claims to be the one and only which has the cure. Here at Pure Beauty Online, we don’t like to deal in absolutes and know that different things work for different …